A time to be ‘desert people’
Nothing worthwhile comes easily, writes Monica Dutton. If we are not tested, we never know our potential. It is the sacrifice that gives us strength, the struggle that makes us resilient.
Overwhelming peace and joy for Grace
Having completed two years’ preparation as a novice, Grace Marcelo was professed as a Sister of the Good Samaritan of the Order of St Benedict earlier this month.
Talking about cricket and climate change in Cape Town
Good Samaritan Sister Geraldine Kearney’s lack of knowledge on cricket didn’t dampen her recent meeting with the jovial and inspirational Archbishop Tutu in South Africa.
New role to focus on well-being of all sisters
The Sisters of the Good Samaritan can’t be accused of avoiding the ‘elephant in the room’: they are an ageing community of women. In fact, it could be said they...
Celebrating a golden milestone
This year marks a significant milestone for Good Samaritan Sister Margaret Keane.
Vatican II: does it still matter?
It is time for all us to reconsider the call of John XXIII for “Christian charity”, to work for unity, to engage with the people of our times, says Good...
Lent and the quest for beauty
Fasting in the Christian tradition is a means of seeking spiritual growth. It is a means of coming to inner beauty, writes Good Samaritan Sister Clare Condon.
Forgiveness: the healing of relationships
Like all human formation, forgiveness comes, in the end, not as conquest but as gift.
Being 'neighbour' to the earth
The abused traveller by the wayside in the parable of the Good Samaritan is the face of forest degradation, toxic spills, species extinction and human deprivation, writes Kevin Treston.