A plebiscite of one’s own
The question of marriage and its meaning is presently astir in the public domain, writes Alice Priest. But my own interest has sprung, not from the public debate, but largely from the private chambers of my own heart.
New-look website unveiled
The Sisters of the Good Samaritan have unveiled a new website which offers visitors a fresh, contemporary design and an enhanced user experience.
Oblation ceremony with ecumenical flavour
It was a joyful ceremony with an ecumenical flavour when five women recently became Oblates of the Sisters of the Good Samaritan.
Good Sams 160 Walkers aiming for $16,000
A group of Good Samaritan Oblates will participate in this year’s Blackmores Sydney Running Festival to raise funds for the Good Sams Foundation.
The courage of the Good Samaritan
The Good Samaritan has the courage to see, the courage to feel, and the courage to act, says Good Samaritan Sister Sonia Wagner.
Living in the age of “fake news”
We now live in an age of opinion – of assumption – where no one has to prove the veracity of their claims, writes Good Samaritan Sister Clare Condon.
Extraordinarily ordinary
“The Ordinary is bedecked in the greening of extraordinary mystery, bejewelled with frost on the backs of huddled cows,” writes Good Samaritan Sister Marie Casamento.
Unpacking Minister’s “lodge or leave” policy
“Fake refugees” who have “refused to apply” for a visa? Sister Sarah Puls answers some common questions arising from Minister Dutton’s “lodge or leave” policy announcement.