Women Religious

Committed to Seeking God

Ministers of Mercy

Messengers of Compassion


Faithful to Benedict's Vision

Committed to Prayer and Work

Embracing Diversity

Committed to Cross-Cultural Living

Good Neighbours

Wherever We Are


Good Samaritan Life is here.

Good Samaritan life recognises God in all things. In coming to appreciate the gift of this presence in our lives we are called to daily conversion and transformation, and to listen to the Spirit inviting us to respond to the needs of God’s people in the world today.

You are warmly invited to personally explore this website's wellspring of prayer, reflection, contemplation and resources, and to share its wisdom and spirit with all who seek the gift of the Good Samaritan Benedictine tradition.

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Chapter Gathering 2023

Every six years the Chapter Gathering is a pivotal moment where we have the opportunity to pause and reflect on who we are as Good Samaritans. We invited all members of the Good Samaritan community to join us in our journey to Chapter in July 2023.

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We are committed to the safeguarding of children and vulnerable people and maintain our commitment to providing a safe environment for all.

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Country town rolls out the welcome mat for refugee family

A Good Samaritan Sister has joined a refugee support group in regional...

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Scholarship Program provides a pathway to lifelong learning

The Good Samaritan Foundation is helping senior high school students who are...

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Subscribe to The Good Oil

The Good Oil, the free, monthly e-magazine of the Good Samaritan Sisters, aims to nourish the spirit, stimulate thinking and encourage reflection and dialogue about issues of the day from a Good Samaritan perspective.

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