Becoming an Oblate

Over the centuries women and men have felt the call of God to live their baptismal call at a deep level. Some do this by answering a call to Religious life. Others hear the call to a specific spirituality that does not involve a vowed religious life.

Oblates of the Sisters of the Good Samaritan are Christian men and women who seek a deeper experience of God and community through a recognised relationship with the Sisters of the Good Samaritan of the Order of St Benedict. Read the Good Samaritan Oblate story so far – The Oblate Story

After engaging in a process of formation in Good Samaritan Benedictine spirituality and way of life, Oblates make a commitment to live by the Rule of St Benedict in the spirit of the Sisters of the Good Samaritan in their daily lives. They continue to engage in ongoing formation and normally renew their oblation annually. 

Becoming an Oblate of the Sisters of the Good Samaritan …

Oblate Candidates, Qld

Women and men who are interested (known as Inquirers) usually join an Oblate group where they have an opportunity to learn more about Good Samaritan Benedictine spirituality, to pray and to share Lectio with both Sisters and Oblates.

An Oblate inquirer may request to enter into a candidacy program of discernment. After a period of formation and discernment an Oblate Candidate may request to make a public Oblation.

Good Samaritans Together …

Begin your Good Samaritan journey by exploring…

Sisters of the Good Samaritan of the Order of St Benedictexplore who we are, our history, our spirituality

Good Samaritan Lifediscover the resources available to share our Good Samaritan Benedictine story 

 The Oblate Story – read the development of the Good Samaritan Oblate community

Discernment – What actually is discernment?

Photo gallery of Sisters, Oblates and Friends gathering around Australia, in the Philippines and in Japan. 

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Get in contact …

If you would like to know more about Good Samaritan Oblates or find out more about connecting, send an email to