The staff of Mount St Benedict Centre Library has selected three of their newest resources which explore our spiritual connection with the earth and universe.
Something to read…
If Women Rose Rooted: The Journey to Authenticity and Belonging (book) by Sharon Blackie.
Blackie inspires us with examples of wise women from native mythology and our contemporary world who draw immense power and energy from their innate connection to the land and universe – to God. They express this through transformative, community leadership.
In turn, contemporary women are called to rediscover our primal, creative power and rise with strength as compassionate leaders in a world where women are revered and respected. Click here to view this resource in the MSB Centre Library catalogue.
Something to listen to…
Blessings of the Universe: Songs for the Foreground and Background of Your Days (CD) by Earth Mama.
For those who find our world and universe awesome and filled with abundant blessings, this soulful compilation of songs is a valuable companion to daily life.
Blessings of the Universe, is an interpretation of global and personal blessings, taking inspiration from St Julian of Norwich, St Francis of Assisi, Native African wisdom and our kinship with all earthly systems and creatures. Listen to and internalise the gratitude, reassurance, hope and wonder of creation. Click here to view this resource in the MSB Centre Library catalogue.
Something to watch…
Arise (DVD) by filmmakers Lori Joyce and Candice Orlando; narrated by actress Daryl Hannah.
Are you passionate about our environment? Do you sense a better way to live in harmony on our planet? In Arise, filmmakers Lori Joyce and Candice Orlando have creatively documented the stories of 13 women in five culturally diverse countries from around the world, who share a deep philosophy of what it takes to live in union with nature.
Through images, poetry and music by well-known writers and musicians, Arise succeeds in opening our eyes to a new model of being, and challenges age-old beliefs around leadership, power and commerce. Click here to view this resource in the MSB Centre Library catalogue.
If you’d like to see the full list of new resources available at Mount St Benedict Centre Library, download the Library’s November 2017 newsletter here.
The Library is located within the Mount St Benedict Centre in Pennant Hills, Sydney. A ministry of the Sisters of the Good Samaritan, the Centre is a place of spirituality and formation. In an environment of peace and beauty, the Centre offers hospitality, education and support for life’s journey by sharing its Benedictine traditions and resources.
Mount St Benedict Library carries a diverse collection of contemporary resources specialising in the areas of spirituality, scripture, contemplative prayer and meditation, liturgy, and is home to a significant collection of resources in the area of Benedictine studies.
The Library supports the congregation in its commitment to community life, prayer, justice, hospitality and compassionate service. It also welcomes members of the public and supports them in their spiritual journey to stimulate thinking, expand perspectives and nourish the soul.
You can access these resources as a member of the Library. Cost is $35 per year. Please contact the Library if you would like to borrow resources or become a member.
Phone: (02) 8752 5395