A Church of love
The strains of St Nicholas’ Church bells ring out over the harbour of Pothia. It’s Sunday morning, the mystical chanting of the priest dominates the sound space for several hours.
Finding my voice
Our world depends on all people having the opportunity and the courage to use our collective voices to discover our common humanity, writes John Haren, winner of our Writers’ Award.
Call to extend compassion to people on Bridging Visas
Australia has a long history of compassion towards asylum seekers. The recent announcement that 19,000 people would receive a pathway to permanency was greeted with much joy, writes John Haren.
Do we dare?
It is our responsibility to promote a world where self-interest is abandoned and the wellbeing of all peoples is at the heart of our political, social, environmental and economic action.
Inclusivity – a political challenge
As we witness the Australian Government’s response to refugees and asylum seekers who are denied their most basic rights, John Haren reminds us that our best human moments are inclusive.