Why I don’t need wilderness
Although I tried to lift myself to the divine, my long walk in the wilderness was largely not the clarifying and spiritual experience of Thoreau and Walden, writes Moira Byrne...
Diversity saves us from bland, monochrome world
“Thank God you’re here, I’m surrounded by NLUs!” A friend related the story of being greeted this way when she had joined a tourist group of Australians visiting another country,...
On dignity and care: a response to Andrew Denton
Perhaps those who believe their dignity is contingent on independence could reflect on their own judgements of others who require assistance, writes Moira Byrne Garton.
Asking RU OK could make all the difference
Are you okay? I remember the first time a colleague asked me that question, about five years ago on RU OK day. I replied with a breezy, “Yes thanks, I’m...
“I never thought this could happen to me”
When I meet someone affected by the lottery of life, how do I look after them? And what is the most caring way to respond to the question, “why did...
Moving beyond ignorance through shared stories
Are you one of the six in ten Australians who have never really encountered Aboriginal Australia?
Having places where you are welcomed and belong
Recent media reports surrounding the circumstances of infant Gammy are heart-rending, writes Moira Byrne Garton.
Religion, politics and the ‘consistent ethic of life’
We should question supposed Christian organisations concerned only with bioethical or so-called moral issues related to life, death and sexuality, without reference to equality, inclusion and a decent and meaningful...
It’s 40 years since White Australia ended
The last vestiges of the White Australia policy were removed on September 17, 1973. Have we as a nation evolved much since then, asks Moira Byrne Garton.
One inclusive Games for all?
It is unfortunate that the Special Olympics do not coincide with the Olympic and Paralympic Games, writes Moira Byrne Garton.
Asylum seekers: no simple solutions
Not everyone is able to experience the world of an asylum seeker as did participants in “Go Back To Where You Came From”, writes Moira Byrne Garton.
Prominent Australians feature in "Go Back" series 2
As one way of gaining an understanding of the complexities facing many asylum seekers, why not watch series two of SBS ONE’s “Go Back To Where You Came From”, writes...