Vale Sister Helen Maund SGS
Sister Helen Maund’s death came quickly and quietly; she died peacefully at Concord Hospital on January 17, 2019, just three days short of her 103rd birthday.
Vale Sister Mary Gregory SGS
“Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile,” observed Albert Einstein. Sister Mary Gregory, a truly good woman, lived fully for others. She lived a most worthwhile life.
Vale Sister Monica Mary Sparks SGS
Sister Monica Sparks made her first profession of vows on January 6, 1956, followed by teacher training at St Scholastica’s Glebe. This led to a rich and rewarding career in...
Religious women and men hold National Day of Sorrow and Promise
Religious women and men across Australia, among them Sisters of the Good Samaritan, will hold a National Day of Sorry and Promise on Sunday, December 2, 2018.
Vale Sister Katherine Larkey SGS
Sister Katherine Larkey will be lovingly remembered for her empathy, her simple kindness, her delightful sense of humour and her gentle presence amongst us.
Vale Sister Marie O'Connor SGS
Marie Bridget O’Connor was born at Arncliffe NSW on May 15, 1938, the eldest of four children born to Thomas Joseph and Catherine Cecilia O’Connor (née Kelly).
Latest resources from MSBC library
Exposing Australia’s compassionless refugee policies and nurturing peace through song.
Anti-trafficking group loses Government funding
ACRATH has launched a national fundraising appeal after the Federal Government’s July 31 announcement revealed that it would not be funding ACRATH this year.
Latest resources from MSBC library
A film that bears witness to the plight of refugees, an audio book that questions established religious assumptions, and a book that explores religious freedom.
Celebrate Refugee Week: watch a film with the Good Sams
To celebrate Refugee Week 2018, June 17-23, the Good Samaritan Refugee Support Network will host special screenings in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane of films that explore refugee themes.
Latest resources from MSBC library
Three new resources which feature eco-theology, an inspiring story of resilience and beautiful prayer to end your day.
Vale Sister Monica McKenzie SGS
Sister Monica McKenzie had great passion for providing education even for the most challenging of students.