To aid us in this period of deep listening to each other and the world around us as we begin our journey together towards our next Chapter Gathering, all members of the of the Good Samaritan community are invited to make use of a new Reflection Video.
“This is a beautiful and evocative visual aid that anyone can play at the beginning of a meeting, or to begin your own quiet reflection on our key question ‘Where is our charism of compassion needed in our world today?’”, said Sister Catherine Slattery, chair of the Chapter Planning Committee.
The music and images were chosen to help us enter into prayerful discernment about how the Spirit is inspiring the Good Samaritan community today.
How to use the video
Get familiar with the 5 minute video yourself – play it through and allow the music, images and text to bring you to a place of inner focus.
Use it for your own personal reflection, or play it at the start of a meeting or discernment process.
Please share this link to the video with staff, oblates, partners in ministry, family, friends and anyone who will appreciate it or find it useful