Respect@Work shines a light on male-dominated workplace cultures
This report on women’s safety in the workplace has implications for the Catholic Church in Australia as we journey towards the first Assembly of the Plenary Council, writes Patty Fawkner...
Let the Risen One easter in us
The resurrection wasn’t a once-off event, simply about Jesus. It was and continues to be an explosion of light, love and new life for all humanity, writes Patty Fawkner SGS.
While we can ‘celebrate small victories’ our church deserves so much more
When women question the status quo with openness, frankness and boldness, they are ignored or figuratively told to go away by male gatekeepers, writes Good Samaritan Sister Patty Fawkner SGS.
In an age of cancel culture can I find room in my heart for empathy?
Beyond outrage, indignation and justified critique, in an age of cancel culture can I find room in my heart for any empathy for those who feel aggrieved, asks Patty Fawkner.
‘We’re all in this together’ is what every Christmas celebrates
The global COVID-19 pandemic has proved the inter-relatedness and interconnectedness of all of creation. The best of humanity has outstripped and outshone the worst of humanity, writes Sister Patty Fawkner.
We are called to be ‘Neighbours without Borders’
In his encyclical Fratelli Tutti Francis says that being a neighbour without borders is how Christians are called to respond to the challenges faced by our world, writes Patty Fawkner.
Good intentions are not good enough
The absence of women in the language of the Church matters enormously. Invisibility in words equates with invisibility in consciousness and significance, writes Sister Patty Fawkner SGS in this edition.
175 years ago, black lives mattered to John Bede Polding
In the spirit of Polding, may we pray for reconciliation between Indigenous and non-indigenous peoples and take action to address discrimination against any group of people, writes Sister Patty Fawkner.
A wise leader uses 'different strokes for different folks'
Within the Rule of Benedict, the contemporary relevance of wisdom for leaders is as impressive as the Rule’s longevity, writes Sister Patty Fawkner in an open letter to President Trump.
Voices of the oppressed must be heard to make positive social change
Stories create an emotional connection and can inspire us to act to overcome bigotry and racism, writes Patty Fawkner. Stories, rather than statistics or angry tweets, can change the world.
Embracing life’s givens with solidarity and compassion
In the face of searing unfairness, we embrace injustice by working for justice, we embrace the painful realities of life by digging deeper for hope, writes Sister Patty Fawkner SGS.
Women – seen and not seen during a pandemic
When the gifts of women and men, equally made in God’s image and likeness, are brought together it is possible for great outcomes to be achieved, writes Sister Patty Fawkner....