November 2015
Thinking globally, acting locally at 15

Thinking globally, acting locally at 15

Fifteen-year-old Mater Christi College student Caitlin MacDonald attributes her passion for environmental advocacy to a few significant influences: growing up on the land, support from her parents and being exposed to opportunities at school.

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Doing their bit to give hope to asylum seekers

Doing their bit to give hope to asylum seekers

While the future for many asylum seekers in Australia seems disturbingly bleak, a number of Good Samaritan Sisters and Oblates are doing what they can in their own neighbourhoods, offering...

Tags: News

New Good Samaritan Oblates welcomed

New Good Samaritan Oblates welcomed

Three women from different backgrounds and life situations formalised their commitment as Good Samaritan Oblates on Sunday, November 15, giving public expression to their desire to continue more deeply on...

Tags: News

The Year of Consecrated Life: why this, why now?

The Year of Consecrated Life: why this, why now?

As the Year of Consecrated Life comes to an end, Good Samaritan Sister Catherine McCahill reflects on its meaning for her, and for religious more generally.

Tags: Feature

What do Pope Francis, Thomas Merton and Graham Greene have in common?

What do Pope Francis, Thomas Merton and Graham Greene have in common?

Like Pope Francis, Merton and Greene were individuals whose complexity equipped them to address the often contradictory world we live in, in order to find God in it, writes Joanna...

Tags: Opinion

Life as it happens

Life as it happens

When, as is so inelegantly said, ‘life sucks’, it’s tempting to lose heart, to indulge in a spell of self-pity, to feel depressed, writes Judith Scully.

Tags: Faith in the Ordinary

To dehumanise another is to dehumanise oneself

How can this cruelty, hatred and violence be stopped? How can human dignity be restored across the globe? What can each of us do to build societies of respect, tolerance,...

Tags: Musings of a Leader

Why I’ll be marching

Why I’ll be marching

On the weekend before world leaders gather in Paris for the UN climate summit, millions of people will gather in cities throughout the world and march together for global action...

Tags: Being Just Neighbours

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The Good Oil, the free, monthly e-magazine of the Good Samaritan Sisters, publishes news, feature and opinion articles, and reflective content which aims to nourish the spirit, stimulate thinking and encourage reflection and dialogue about issues of the day from a Christian, Catholic, Good Samaritan perspective.

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