Is there an ‘Order of Love’?
When US Vice President JD Vance told Fox News that an ‘Order of Love’ was a Christian concept, he dismissed Jesus’ fundamental message in the Parable of the Good Samaritan.
WATAC (Women and the Australian Church) looks to the future
WATAC began as a grassroots effort to address the role of women in the Australian Catholic Church and broader society. How will its inclusive vision be sustained, asks Andrea Dean.
Remembering the saints is a source of energy and hope
As the feast al All Saints approaches, I wish to develop a personal canon of female saints who will help me live faithfully in a violent world, writes Patty Fawkner.
Building a culture that is resistant to spiritual abuse
Spiritual abuse has no place in a synodal Church, where respectful mutual relationships are integral, and the voices of lay people and the ordained are honoured equally, writes Patty Fawkner.
We give thanks for our friendships, both in delight and disappointment
Following his recent remarks about women deacons and homosexuals, it occurs to me that Francis’ signature commitment to synodality has been compromised, seriously compromised, writes Good Samaritan Sister Patty Fawkner.
Honouring women who see need and run towards it
This year’s International Women’s Day honoured women who care and who will continue to care, women who will see need and run towards it, and it will be at cost.
Can God's will be beyond a yes or no? Reflecting God’s will in a synodal Church
The Synod of Bishops is underway and as we dive deeper into seeking a synodal approach to religious interaction the end goal can remain nebulous and intangible, writes Nimmi Candappa.
Finding my voice
Our world depends on all people having the opportunity and the courage to use our collective voices to discover our common humanity, writes John Haren, winner of our Writers’ Award.
Living in a change of era
Pope Francis has given us a new vision for governance and ministry. We have the new wine of synodality and it is now time for new wineskins, writes Peter Confeggi.
Call to extend compassion to people on Bridging Visas
Australia has a long history of compassion towards asylum seekers. The recent announcement that 19,000 people would receive a pathway to permanency was greeted with much joy, writes John Haren.
Global Project of Conversion: Continental Stage of Synod on Synodality
It is helpful to imagine the Synod on Synodality as a project of conversion. A project that involves the entire Church being led by the Holy Spirit, writes Elissa Roper.
And still we pray and long for peace
As we approach Advent, preparing to celebrate the birth of Jesus, I am mindful of so many situations in which we long for peace, writes Good Samaritan Sister Catherine McCahill.