So this is Easter… a moment in history, a moment like none other
Like the women at the empty tomb we, too, go in faith. We wait to see the risen one in the midst of this global pandemic, writes Catherine McCahill SGS. On the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other women came to the tomb of Jesus, and
Funding boost for family violence services during COVID-19 crisis
With a rise in family violence due to the coronavirus crisis set to strain an already overstretched social support system, some abusers are reportedly using COVID-19 as a psychological weapon....
Viewing the coronavirus crisis through a Benedictine lens
The building of community is one of our major callings as Benedictine Oblates. During this pandemic, we must remove ourselves from the community to ensure its survival, writes Judith Valente....
In ‘Querida Amazonia’ we are called to listen and to hear
In his apostolic exhortation Querida Amazonia Pope Francis sees the theological Amazon as the greatest witness to the need to care for the planet and its people, writes Jim Mulroney....
Timor Leste Scholarship program improves access to education
An educational scholarship program for secondary and tertiary students is continuing to improve access to education for young people in Timor Leste. The Good Samaritan Foundation Scholarship program is based...
Government urged to extend JobKeeper program to migrant workers
Australia’s Federal Government is being urged to extend a vital safety net to everyone living in the community, regardless of their visa status, during the COVID-19 pandemic. At present, there...
Santa Teresa community keeps the faith in isolation during pandemic
Easter’s theme of entering the tomb and keeping vigil until Christ’s resurrection on the third day has never been so relevant for Christians confined to their homes during the current...