One vote is all we have
Another year. Another federal election. Marie’s poem rings as true today as it did three years ago.
Fractured moonlight
“Fractured moonlight glints from the dark of a broken world; our whisper of prayer rises to sing the dawn. Christmas is in the air, light pierces the dark,” writes Colleen...
Metaphorical marbles
“By Christmas,” they said, “we will let them in.” In stealth, in the dark of night, by the boats of the sky, they fly.
East and West in monastic ritual
Day three, on the eve of St Benedict’s feast, prayer to the God of the Clouds rewarded, as the rains hold back enough to give safe passage to the last...
Shared history
Inspired by a visit last year to the Myall Creek Massacre Memorial, Colleen Keating wrote a poem which she read at the Myall Creek Memorial Gathering on June 10.
A matter of perspective
“Goes forth a cry in the wasteland, full-throated, determined, forceful rippling down the aeons of time… ‘Prepare the way of the Lord!’,” writes Sister Marie Casamento.
Why am I so harried with thoughts?
“Remember, this is your world, you can no longer be ignorant like a sleeping innocent baby”, “be the difference”, “reach out each day to be The Way”, writes Colleen Keating.
Extraordinarily ordinary
“The Ordinary is bedecked in the greening of extraordinary mystery, bejewelled with frost on the backs of huddled cows,” writes Good Samaritan Sister Marie Casamento.
Leave the empty tomb behind
A poem for Easter week from Good Samaritan Sister Pam Grey.
Seeds on the slipstream of life
In the slipstream of life, in the eyes of innocence, hope awaits us all on our wandering paths through life, writes Good Samaritan Sister Marie Casamento.
One vote is all we have
With the Federal election looming in Australia, Good Samaritan Sister Marie Casamento offers us all – but particularly politicians, candidates and voters – a prayerful poem to ponder.
Before the eyes of the world
“Before the eyes of the world, in the dead of night they came, seeking passage between their lands of desolation and the possibility of a better life.” Good Samaritan Sister...