Return visit to Timor Leste sees scholarship students shine
Seventeen more young people who are part of the Good Samaritan Railaco Scholarship Program have graduated from tertiary studies in Timor Leste over the past two years, despite practical challenges...
The Good Oil recognised for online publishing excellence
The annual conference of the Australasian Catholic Press Association (ACPA) took place last month when more than 60 Catholic editors and people working in church communications came together in Melbourne....
Following the path of the Good Samaritan
Lourdes Hill College aims to instil in each student the value of walking the path of the Good Samaritan and the 2022 College Captains, Ella Raymond and Ella Stone, have...
Call for inspiring stories that illuminate our values
To prepare for our Chapter Gathering in July next year we have begun the process of telling and collecting our stories of Sisters who have meant something to us over...
Our New Chapter Logo - inviting your response
We have a new logo for the 2023 Chapter Gathering designed to represent our community – a vibrant tree, and our connectedness across the ocean. You are invited to reflect...