Good Samaritan Education is launching a new initiative, Communio Calling, a formation resource in podcast style. The first episode will be available on July 22 to mark the 10th anniversary of Good Samaritan Education (GSE).
Infused with the values of the Good Samaritan Benedictine tradition, Communio Calling is a dynamic conversation and connection point for the GSE community and beyond to nurture and share story, faith, and life.
It is often said that GSE is a community of communities; “communio” is the web and fabric of this reality created by God in Christ in which we participate. The name of the podcast, Communio Calling, draws upon this web of relationships and invites all to reflect on who we are as a community, and our connection and invitation to intimate participation as members of the GSE community and beyond.
Communio is a way of being, connecting us to the Good Samaritan Benedictine tradition and our baptismal call to live in communion and, ultimately, in relationship with Christ.

Image: Good Samaritan Education.
The first episode, entitled ‘Ten years along this way of life and faith’, delves into aspects of the journey towards becoming Good Samaritan Education and its mission to carry forth the ministry of Catholic Education in the Good Samaritan Benedictine tradition.
In the first interview, host Gabrielle Sinclair speaks with Terry Creagh, the inaugural Chair of Good Samaritan Education, and Kay Herse, the first Executive Director. Their rich conversation explores the Good Sams’ journey of discernment and their reading of the signs of the times.
Terry and Kay paint a story of partnership, broad consultation and a nourishing stability drawn from deeply held and savoured values that laid the foundation for the establishing of GSE in 2011.
Terry and Kay’s passion and deep faith are evident when sharing their journeys and affirmed in their carriage of the GSE story. Their inspiration from the Sisters and their experience and insight conveys a great deal about the legacy and treasure entrusted to GSE.
Moira Nadjecki, Chair of Good Samaritan Education, responded to the first episode. “What a professional, educative, all-embracing and quite humbling experience – the hour flew,” she said. “Captured in the conversations with Terry and Kay is not just the story of GSE but the essence and spirit of what has been passed on to us in both the many decades before and particularly the past 10 years.”
The Communio Calling podcast series provides accessible, engaging formation resources in your pocket. Communio Calling aims to build communio by sharing the stories and experiences of Good Samaritan Education as we learn and grow together, attending with the ear of the heart.
You can subscribe now (Spotify or Apple Podcasts) and listen to the promo trailer. The first episode will automatically drop at 8am on July 22, 2021.